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AssetID: 53285732

Headline: UNCAPTIONED: Neil Patrick Harris had 'never heard' of Doctor Who

Caption: Russell T Davies has revealed Neil Patrick Harris was completely unaware of Doctor Who when he was offered a part on the show. The How I Met Your Mother actor is set to guest star on the long-running science-fiction programme for an upcoming 60th anniversary special episode, The Giggle. Doctor Who showrunner Russell T Davies remarked to Entertainment Weekly on Thursday: "He'd never heard of it in his life, bless him.I was lucky enough to work with the great man on a show called It's a Sin, about the AIDS crisis in the 1980s, and working with him was such a joy.", Russell T Davies / Entertainment Weekly. "If you go through agents, they often tell you to go away. I was able to send just a text saying, 'Do you fancy reading this?' He read it and literally phoned me up going, 'Let me get this right, so the Doctor's an alien, right?'" Russell T Davies / Entertainment Weekly. "I was like, 'Oh my god, you really have never heard of Doctor Who!'" "But he couldn't resist it, and he came to Cardiff, and we had the most spectacular time." In the upcoming episode - the final of three that have seen the return of David Tennant and Catherine Tate as the Doctor and his companion, Neil plays the Toymaker; an enemy of the Doctor who first appeared on the show in 1966. The Giggle airs on BBC One on Saturday 9 December. THIS VIDEO MUST NOT BE EDITED FOR LENGTH TO COMBINE WITH OTHER CONTENT

Keywords: Neil Patrick Harris,Doctor Who,Actor,Programme,Unaware,Show,Episode,Special,60th anniversary,Remarked,showrunner,Entertainment Weekly,The Giggle,Russell T Davies
