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AssetID: 53603237

Headline: The head, shoulder, knees and abs workout: Everything you need to know

Caption: This short but effective workout, which can be done anywhere, focuses on four key areas and is designed to boost energy levels and help you build strength. Caroline Idiens, a personal trainer with 25 years of experience and an expert in mid-life fitness, has developed a 15-minute workout which looks like this: Squats, Alternate reverse lunges with a pulse at the bottom, Mountain climbers, Press ups (on your knees or toes), Plank with shoulder taps, Dead bugs (on your back on the mat), Glute bridges, Inchworms...

Keywords: CPS1666403,Exercise,Workout,Fitness,Strength Training,Energy Boost,Mental Health,Endorphins,Stress Reduction,Posture,Knee Health,Abs Workout,Balance,Stability,Core Strength,Squats,Lunges,Mountain Climbers,Press Ups,Plank,Dead Bugs,Glute Bridges,Inchworms,Personal Trainer,Exercise Routine,Health and Wellness
