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AssetID: 53844457

Headline: Pixar boss shuts down calls for live-action Ratatouille remake

Caption: During the worldwide press tour for Challengers earlier this year, actor Josh O'Connor regularly spoke about his love for Pixar's culinary film, leading fans to start a social media campaign to get him to play the lead in a live-action remake. However, during an interview with Time on Tuesday, Docter insisted Pixar will never consider remaking their projects. "No, and this might bite me in the butt for saying it, but it sort of bothers me," he shared. "I like making movies that are original and unique to themselves. To remake it, it's not very interesting to me personally."

Keywords: CPS1670204,Pixar,Live-Action Remake,Ratatouille,Josh O'Connor,Social Media Campaign,Originality,Unique,Pete Docter,Time Interview,Alfredo Linguini,Remy,Up,Animation,Storytelling,Creative Process,Film Production,Fan Campaign,Actor Resemblance,Storytelling Rules,Animated World,Live-Action Challenges,Film Adaptation,Creative Vision
