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AssetID: 54436149

Headline: Biden Establishes New Monuments in California

Caption: United States President Joe Biden and US Secretary of the Interior Deb Harland applaud each other ahead of remarks celebrating the signature of proclamations to establish the Chuckwalla National Monument and the Sáttítla Highlands National Monument in California in Washington, DC

Keywords: 46th President,47th Vice President,2025,America,American,Americas,Chief Executive,Commander-in-Chief,DC,government,inside the Beltway,Joe Biden,Joseph Biden,Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.,leaders,meeting,national,news,North America,people,political,politicians,politics,POTUS,presidential,the District,U.S.,United States,United States of America,US,USA,Vice President Biden,VP,Washington,Washington DC,White House

PersonInImage: Joe Biden, Deb Haaland